MLDownloader 7.1

MLDownloader 7.1

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MLDownloader downloads intraday, end of day and historical stock quotes, Options and Futures from various Internet sites. MLDownloader downloads intraday, end of day and historical stock quotes, Options and Futures from various Internet sites. The program gives you the option of saving your data in MetaStock� or in the form of ASCII files. You are completely free to define your format of the ASCII files, so almost any Technical Analysis software can read it. To bring your data up-to-date simply instruct MLDownloader to perform a data collection for an individual symbol or a symbol list. You can also schedule your downloads. Specify a start time and a list of download symbols, and MLDownloader automatically downloads the data. Optionally you can select an external application that will be started after the download has completed. If you have some days missed, MLDownloader automatically fills the missing days. Example: If you have quotes till 10/07/2003 and you had not any chance to download quotes until 21/07/2003, all missing days will be filled automatically.MLDownloader allows you to download quotes from over 50 international exchanges. You will be notified if a component of a stock index changes. So you can be sure that your symbol lists are always up to date!

Comments (1)


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I have bought MLDownloader. It seems o.k. as regards US stocks, but it seems lousy on European stocks.
The programe operates with tickers on many European stocks that are out of date. In many cases you operate with the US tickers for European stocks also when doading historical quotes, allthough the tickers have been alterated many years ago in the european market. An example: The danish medical firm Novo Nordisk has the ticker NVO on US stock exchange, and you use the same ticker also when downloading danish stocks, but the ticker i denmark is Novo-B. This there will be no quotes for this firm in Demnark on MLDownloader.
As I mostly rtrade in european stocks, I cannot use the programe. Sorry

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